You probably already know why you should walk your dog every day. Walking is important for the health and well-being of your dog. While we all agree health is important, only walking for health can suck all the enjoyment right out of it, since it feels like something you’re forced to do.
Walking your dog doesn’t have to feel like a chore. If you’re excited about walking your dog, your dog will sense it and they’ll enjoy their walks more too. Since walking is something you have to do, make it something you and your dog both look forward to.
Bel Air is a great place to live. It’s also a great place to walk your dog. Want to know more about the benefits of regular dog walking in Bel Air? We’ll tell you how regular dog walking benefits you and your pup. Keep reading to learn why walking your dog can be exciting instead of just one more thing on your to-do list.
Benefits Of Regular Dog Walking
Before we jump into what makes walking in Bel Air so great, let’s review why dogs need regular walks. Walking your dog is about more than just physical health, which is why just letting your dog out in the yard isn’t enough.
Regular walks help maintain your dog’s cardiovascular fitness.
They help maintain bone and joint health. If your dog is already suffering from joint diseases, such as hip dysplasia, regular slow walks are recommended to keep mobility in the joint.
Walking helps the digestive tract function correctly and keeps your dog’s bowels moving. It also helps prevent any infections from holding in urine.
Walking helps maintain a good body condition and prevents obesity. Obesity can lead to other conditions in your dog like diabetes and heart disease.
Regular walks are necessary for your dog’s mental health. Sniff walks especially help stimulate your dog’s brain and prevent destructive behaviors.
Walking with your dog strengthens your bond and helps prevent separation anxiety. A dog that is secure in its place in your life is less anxious and less likely to tear up your house.
Walking helps your dog socialize and learn how to behave out in public.

Benefits Of Walking Your Dog In Bel Air, Maryland
Walking your dog is beneficial and necessary no matter where you live. However, you know what they say, location, location, location! Bel Air has a few things that make it special and really awesome for walking your dog. The unique qualities that make Bel Air so good for dog walking will hopefully encourage you to walk even more and get more movement into the lives of both you and your dog.
You Can Learn Local History
Maryland is a state incredibly rich in history. Harford County alone has 66 designated historic landmarks. You can use your walking time to explore historic areas in Bel Air and the surrounding areas. Even if you need to drive a short distance, you can use walks with your dog as an opportunity to learn more about local history. The Rock Run Historic Area even has a map for a self-guided walking tour. You will be enriching your mind while your dog gets their exercise. Even better, if you’re a history buff, this may encourage you to walk more and provide more activity for you and your dog.
You’re Close To Nature
Bel Air and Harford County are filled with walking trails. Why limit yourself to walking in your neighborhood when you can get out and enjoy the natural beauty of the area? You don’t need to be in great shape or be an experienced hiker. There are trails suitable for people at all skill levels.

Bonus, the more you walk, the more your skills will improve until both you and your dog can hike trails that may have seemed impossible before. Start out with the Ma and Pa Heritage Trail, and build from there. You can use these trail walks as a chance to let your dog sniff and have a sensory walk which is important for their mental enrichment.
It Can Help You Shop Small
Taking a stroll down Main Street isn’t just a great opportunity to stretch your legs. It’s also a great opportunity to window shop. While you’re out and about, you might just find something that you have to go back for. And who knows? Some shops may even let you bring your dog in if they’re well behaved. Discovering local businesses, like our friends, local pet groomer and boutique To Wag For, puts money back into the community and keeps Main Street a unique place to go. Bonus, your dog gets a chance to interact with people, other animals, new sights, and new smells. Your pup will need to focus on their manners, which is an excellent training opportunity.
You’ll be Helping Harford County and Your Health
Harford County has recently launched new initiatives to help residents get moving and improve their health. The county is working on expanding bike and walking trails and has started to post ‘Traveling Activity’ signs throughout the trails to encourage exercise. The signs have instructions, giving you an additional activity to do like some dance moves or push-ups. Even if you don’t follow the signs, just by you and your dog using the trails, you’ll be part of the movement toward a more fit lifestyle.
Hopefully, this encourages you to get up, grab the leash, and put your walking shoes on.
Hire A Bel Air Dog Walker
While we live in such an amazing town, we understand that getting out and walking isn’t always possible for a lot of families. That’s where we come in. If you’ve got a busy schedule, travel a lot, or just need a friendly helping hand, Your Pet AuPair offers regular dog walking right here in Bel Air, Maryland! You can learn more about our dog walking services here. Reach out, and let us know more about how we can create a regular dog walking schedule that works just for you!