Service Area
Currently offering dog walking & catt sitting services in the areas listed below. As we continue to grow, we'll expand to include more neighborhoods in the towns below. Click on the links for more detailed information- we don't offer every service in every area.
We do not have plans to cover towns not listed below but I'm happy to provide referrals to other companies that may be able to help you!
The map below shows where we currently have clients. The Rt 40 corridor from Water's Edge in Belcamp to Long Bar Harbor in Abingdon are now included!
21014, 21015- Bel Air- all of Bel Air
21050- Forest Hill- Covering many neighborhoods but we do not go past Grier Nursery Rd off of Rocks Rd
21009- Abingdon- Covering neighborhoods off 24 and 924 (Including Monmouth Meadows, Lake Vista & the Enclave community). Now serving Long Bar Harbor!
21047- Fallston- Now covering a large portion of Fallston and very small bit of Kingsville
21028- Churchville- neighborhoods off Rts 22 & 136 up to Aldino Rd
21001- Aberdeen - only the area of Aberdeen right by Belcamp
21085- Joppa- Old Joppa Rd/ Whitaker Mill area up to Mountain Christian Church
21084 - Jarrettsville - Forest Hill & Fallston adjacent areas